
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. rugsėjo 11 d., trečiadienis

Why Is the Biden-Harris Team Killing Future Chances of the West?

To make a kit necessary for an economy powered with clean energy from the sun and wind, you need a lot of dirty energy (coal, oil and gas) temporarily for the transition. Biden-Harry and even more tragically Scholz of Germany do not understand this. The blindness of these three people killed the chances of the West to participate in building the future. It's time to stop the damage that they are doing to us.

China used their blindness. The sanctions from the West and destruction of German Nordstream gas pipelines allows China to buy cheap Russian energy without EU competition. The result is horrible - nobody can catch up with China in building technology of the future. We have difficulty even surviving in the present without upheaval. Enough.

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