
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. rugsėjo 20 d., penktadienis

There is no doubt that what is happening in Lithuania must stop: It is not too late to avoid the fate of our neighbors


"The new defense tax approved by Estonia this week increased the anxiety of the country's businessmen about the future, and experts unanimously agreed that the neighbors will be in trouble.




As discussions on tax increases continue in Lithuania, there are doubts whether we have not followed the path chosen by the Estonians. However, it seems that it is not too late for Lithuania to learn from foreign mistakes.




It would explode our economic pot




According to the president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK), Andriaus Romanovskis, one of the main business expectations regarding decisions related to defense financing in the country is that Lithuania would not step on the Estonian rake. "I think the Estonians have already boiled the porridge and continue to roast it. In fact, those tax changes are drastic. I think that Estonians really do not take advantage of the opportunities that they could - for example, borrowing opportunities.



For now, it looks like a path to destruction for me," A. Romanovskis commented on the new defense tax approved by the Estonian government.




It is believed that Lithuania is not yet on this path, as proposals for the introduction of corporate tax or excise insurance are only at the discussion level, and consumption taxes are not changing. Attention is drawn to the fact that politicians' statements during the election period can be sharper than usual - when the time comes to actually make decisions, according to the LVK president, everything is looked at more rationally. "And the Estonians are already making decisions. I believe that this can be an example for us not to make those mistakes," A. Romanovskis added."


In the opinion of Lithuanian businessmen, the universal conscription into the army, the accommodation of German soldiers in Lithuania, the purchase of expensive military equipment for the pathetic Lithuanian army must stop. "It would explode our economic pot."


In the end, a sober opinion of businessmen appeared in Lithuania. Let's vote for Eduardas Vaitkas. For peace, brothers and sisters.

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