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2024 m. rugsėjo 12 d., ketvirtadienis

Germany Buys Green Ammonia from Egypt


"The German industry is urgently dependent on green hydrogen. An important supply agreement has now been concluded - and for the first time there is a concrete indication of a price.


In order to produce more climate-friendly hydrogen, Germany will import more than 250,000 tons of "green" ammonia in the coming years. According to the Federal Ministry of Economics, a corresponding supply agreement for the years 2027 to 2033 has been concluded with the company Fertiglobe from the United Arab Emirates.


According to this, Fertiglobe will produce ammonia in Egypt using wind and solar energy. Adnoc from Abu Dhabi is said to be behind the company. Ammonia is easier to transport than hydrogen, but must be converted back into green hydrogen in Germany. "Green" means that it is produced using renewable energies. The price for this should be just under 4.50 euros per kilo.


State funding program for green hydrogen


The agreement is the result of an initial tender as part of the "H2Global" funding program, which aims to create a functioning international market for green hydrogen. To do this, green hydrogen products are bought on the world market and sold to the highest bidder in Germany or the EU. The trading platform thus acts as a link between production countries, primarily in the southern hemisphere, and the industrialized countries as buyers. Possible losses on resale are offset by state funding. The foundation is endowed with a total of 4.4 billion euros. A price of 4.40 euros per kilo is currently considered competitive.


The supply contract now agreed is an important step in the transformation of Germany as an industrial location, said Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens). "The availability of inexpensive green energy - now also in the form of hydrogen - will continue to be an important location factor for industry in the future."


Two thirds of hydrogen must be imported


With the pilot tender, the government has for the first time a concrete indication of the costs of green hydrogen production. Based on the ammonia price, production costs per kilo of hydrogen amount to around 4.50 euros, the ministry said. When using natural gas, so-called gray hydrogen, it is about three to four euros.


The project is part of the government's hydrogen strategy, which is supplemented by an import strategy. Germany wants to become a leading market for the hydrogen economy. The government is initiating projects with various countries around the world to produce green hydrogen.


It is considered the key to making the basic materials industry in Germany climate-neutral. 


It should also be used in gas-fired power plants to offset the growing but highly fluctuating production of wind or solar power.


 Hydrogen is also needed in air transport and shipping. 


It is assumed that Germany will be able to produce about a third of its needs itself in the long term, the rest will have to be imported." [1]


1. Deutschland kauft grünen Ammoniak aus Ägypten. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (online) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH. Jul 11, 2024.

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