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2024 m. rugsėjo 18 d., trečiadienis

How to Help Crypto Love-Scam Victims?

"West's task force quickly learned that cases had to meet three criteria to have any chance of success. First, the transfers of money to the scammers had to have occurred on crypto exchanges. Second, those exchanges had to be registered in the U.S., or cooperative with U.S. law enforcement. Third, the scam had to have been reported right away.

West knew from earlier crypto investigations that if she had the address of the wallet to which funds were transferred she could use a commercially available blockchain tracing tool to see where it went. If it was on a U.S.-based exchange, she could get a warrant to freeze and seize it.


But if even a day or two has passed, the cryptocurrency may have already been converted to another asset, meaning the blockchain trail goes cold." [1]

1. U.S. News: Prosecutor Fights for Love-Scam Victims --- Erin West goes after 'pig butchering' fraud and despite long odds gets some funds back. Solomon, Feliz.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y.. 18 Sep 2024: A.3.

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